The range of LED tubes used as retrofits for fluorescent lamps is constantly expanding. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about LED tubes.
You will find detailed technical data, installation instructions and compatibility lists in our online catalog .
The SubstiTUBEs sold by LEDVANCE meet all requirements contained in the relevant safety standard DIN EN 62776 (“Double-capped LED lamps designed to retrofit linear fluorescent lamps – safety standards”). This compliance is documented by certification from the German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies, or VDE, the abbreviation of its German name.
Results of the key tests:
When a SubstiTUBE LED tube is installed in an existing luminaire as a retrofit product, the CE test seal of the luminaire remains valid.
Please also see the information issued by the VDE and the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association in December 2016 regarding the use of LED lamps as an alternative to double-capped fluorescent lamps in luminaires.Such test seals apply to the tested product combination. This means that their validity covers only lamps that the luminaire manufacturer submitted to the testing organization (generally, these are not LED tubes). In Germany, new certification of a luminaire equipped with SubstiTUBE by an organization like the VDE can be easily done. Separate VDE certificates have already been issued for most of the SubstiTUBE LED tubes.
Due to its design, a LED tube produces directed light unlike fluorescent lighting, which is omnidirectional. As a result, light distribution can vary due to the existing luminaire's geometry. For simple bar and open luminaires, few differences can generally be perceived (see the light distribution curves). The lighting metric that is relevant for the user is the illumination level, which is measured on the “working plane” (e.g. on the work surface). The light produced by the SubstiTUBE LED tubes is directed at the target object and optimally illuminates it. Losses resulting from unwanted light spill can even be minimized as a result.
LEDVANCE offers a warranty of up to five years on SubstiTUBE. You will find the exact warranty terms here .
LEDVANCE offers LED tubes for T5 and T8 luminaires with G5 or G13 bases:
You will find other details and compatibility lists with the tested ECGs in the online catalog .