

Choose your product version


Product description Base (standard designation) Nominal wattage Nominal voltage Nominal lamp life time Nominal luminous flux Dimmable
L 22 W/865 G10Q G10q 22 W 62 V 9000 h 1150 lm Yes
L 32 W/840 C G10Q G10q 32 W 84 V 13000 h 2250 lm
L 32 W/865 G10Q G10q 32 W 84 V 13000 h 2200 lm
L 40 W/840 C G10Q G10q 40 W 115 V 13000 h 3000 lm
L 40 W/865 G10Q G10q 40 W 115 V 13000 h 2750 lm
Phase out

L 22 W/865 G10Q

Product benefits
  • Excellent uniform illumination with no shadows


Electrical data

Nominal wattage 22 W
Construction wattage 22.90 W
Nominal voltage 62 V
Nominal current 0.4 A

Photometrical data

Luminous flux 1150 lm
Luminous efficacy 50 lm/W
Light color (designation) LUMILUX Cool White
Color temperature 6500 K
Color rendering index Ra ≥80
Light color 865
Rated LLMF at 2,000 h 0.72
Rated LLMF at 4,000 h 0.67
Rated LLMF at 6,000 h 0.65
Rated LLMF at 8,000 h 0.63

Dimensions & Weight

Overall length 209.00 mm
Diameter 216 mm
Tube diameter 29 mm
Product weight 124.4 g


Service life 6300 h 1)
Rated lamp survival factor at 2,000 h 0.99
Rated lamp survival factor at 4,000 h 0.95
Rated lamp survival factor at 6,000 h 0.83
Rated lamp survival factor at 8,000 h 0.62
Lifespan B50 9000 h

1) With preheat ECG

Additional product data

Base (standard designation) G10q
Mercury content 4.8 mg
Design / version LUMILUX version


Dimmable Yes

Certificates & Standards

Energy efficiency class G
Energy consumption 23.00 kWh/1000h

Country-specific categorizations

ILCOS FSC-22/865-E-G10q-29/216
Order reference L 22W/865 C G10

Energy labelling regulation data acc EU 2019/2015

Lighting technology used OTHER_FL
Non-directional or directional NDLS
Mains or non-mains NMLS
Light source cap-type (or other electric interface) G10q
Connected light source (CLS) No
Color-tuneable light source No
Envelope No
High luminance light source No
Anti-glare shield No
Correlated colour temperature type SINGLE_VALUE
Claim of equivalent power No
Length 209.00 mm
Height 216 mm
Width 216 mm
Chromaticity coordinate x 0,313
Chromaticity coordinate y 0,337
Beam angle correspondence SPHERE_360
EPREL ID 546413
Model number AC34188


Quantity of precious metals 0 mg
Quantity of rare earths 0 mg
Minimum rate of recycled material in packaging 80 % 1)
Minimum percentage of recycled content in the product 0 % 1)
Product recyclability Mostly recyclable product 1)
Packaging recyclability Mostly recyclable packaging 1)
List of dangerous substances contained in the product in concentrations greater than 0.1% in mass percentage No
Contains substances of very high concern in concentrations greater than 0.1% by mass percentage Additional info can be provided per individual request
List of substances of very high concern in concentrations greater than 0.1% in mass percentage

1) According to AGEC Decree 2022-748 (French Anti-Waste-Legislation for a Circular Economy)

Product benefits
  • Excellent uniform illumination with no shadows
Areas of application
  • Public buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Industry
  • Shops
  • Supermarkets and department stores
  • Hotels
Product features
  • Good color rendering index
  • Single-ended round fluorescent lamp
  • Dimmable
Equipment / Accessories
  • Suitable for operation on electronic and conventional control gears
Safety advice
Product code Packaging unit (Pieces/Unit) Dimensions (length x width x height) Gross weight Volume
4008321581105 Sleeve
225 mm x 212 mm x 38 mm 192.80 g 1.81 dm³
4008321581112 Shipping box
450 mm x 238 mm x 227 mm 2708.60 g 24.31 dm³
EAN STK number AU model number
4008321581105 4930280 OSRL22W/865C